
QTC Physical Theatre Workshop

On Friday, July 16th, the Years 10 and 11 Drama students had the wonderful opportunity of participating in a Physical Theatre workshop held as part of the College “GO4IT “ days. This one- day intensive workshop was offered by the Queensland Theatre Company, and we were very fortunate in acquiring Jason from the Company to lead the workshop.

The physical theatre day was a drama extension activity which was both challenging and most enjoyable for the girls, who responded well to Jason’s professional approach and direction. The day began with trust, focus and movement exercises, and was followed by sessions concentrating on movement and awareness. The girls worked in three groups towards developing and devising a physical interpretation of a short story by Edgar Allen Poe, focusing on the use of movement and sound. The result was three very interesting and creative performances that the drama students can feel proud of!

All in all, the experience was rewarding and enriching, and will most certainly be invaluable as the girls continue with their studies in Drama.


Anonymous said...

I am so ecstatic to have been given the chance to experience Physical Theatre. Myself, as an individual, has taken alot of valuable information and techniques from this intensive and challenging workshop. I hope to use these techniques in future drama performances for the remainder of my drama career. The workshop helped me to become aware of all the small things my body does without my realisation.I also feel that the exercises given to us has allowed many people, including myself, to have more confidence in ourselve's and our own movements when we are on stage.

Throughout the day years 10 and 11 students were mixed together and much talent was shown in each activity. By mixing the students up amoung others that they wouldnt normally associate with everyone's creative idea's were able to be expressed, therefore three brillant productions written by Edgar Allen Poe were able to be constructed by the end of the day.

As drama is my passion and I intend on pursuing a life in the acting industry, I believe that this has enabled me to gain more experience in the field. I stongly believe that the Queensland Theatre Company deserves a huge thank you for this opportunity and that our Drama teacher Mrs Fletcher should be congradulated on selecting such a wondeful GO4IT program. Not only will this new found knowledge give me a greater advantage but it was also a day that all students enjoyed throughly and one that none are likely to forget.

Athena, Year 11 student

Anonymous said...

I forgot to thank our fantastic teacher for the day, Jason in the above comment. Thank you for helping us to further understand Physical Theatre and for just being able to make the day really enjoyable and fun for everyone. I am exceptionally grateful for your guidence.


Anonymous said...

I thought the day was amazing. Our wonderful teacher, Jason, opened my mind to a whole new way of thinking while on stage, and while trying to compose a dramatic performance. The excercises during the workshop I found were really fun, but also a great challange to extend my drama skills even further.

Taylor, Year 10 Student.

Anonymous said...

The day was absoultly amazing and i learnt so much, i only wish we had more time. Jason was a wonderful teacher and taught me so much and was very inspirational. It was wonderful that i got to experience physical theatre. The activites and exercises we had to do were so much fun and helped me extend my drama knowledge so much more!
Year 10 student.