
Year 9 Drama - Heartshore Island

Town Hall community meeting photos.


Anonymous said...

Horrible couples, horrible sister, horrible mayor, lovely daniel(I LOVE YOU DANIEL XOX)

-Eve Smith

Emily.C. said...

I was so scared! Now, I can't get anymore money. I think it's time to claim bankruptcy.

-Raven StClaire

Anonymous said...

I knew the mayor was touble when he walked in, so shame on him, making deals with places I've never been. Credits to Taylor Swift.

- Emily Bane

Anonymous said...

well, i missed out on surfing so... i am not in a good mood now!! stupid Mayor.. It was such a bad idea!! and now that The Watcher is gay.. well... urggh time to go for my make-up surf!!

-Bridget Beachley xx

Anonymous said...

WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU MAYOR. and does this mean heart shore is bankrupt, like were did the cash go?

Not a happy son
Declan Parker

Anonymous said...

I think that perhaps it's time for a knew mayor, or this one should pull his head in.

Anonymous said...

I think daisy may might need to learn how to spell properly and perhaps speak a bit more proper.

Anonymous said...

What just happened....what is with the secrets of this town??...Didn't see thatr coming the watcher being gay..And where has all our money gone too???

-Summer Lovejoy <3

Jack.F. said...

CRAZY. Is all I'm gonna say about the mayor.
-Jack F.

Anonymous said...

What were you thinking Mayor? You'll make us go bankrupt! you need to think about whats best for the town!
-Katerina Forbes