
Hamlet - La Boite

Toby Schmitz, stars as the Prince of Denmark in his Queensland main stage debut, leading a top-shelf ensemble cast that includes Cocoloco's Trevor Stuart and Matilda Award winners Helen Howard and Eugene Gilfedder.

Learn more about La Boite's Hamlet

Hamlet - Sydney Festival
YouTube Hamlet-watch other videos as well
Olivier as Hamlet
Mel Gibson as Hamlet
Hamlet Wikipedia
Full summary of Hamlet

1870 Edwin Booth as Hamlet


Mel Gibson


Anonymous said...

Hamlet is yummy

Anonymous said...

i second that

Anonymous said...

Helena Bonham Carter is hotter in Sweeny Todd then in Hamlet!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for this production!

Anonymous said...

It was the best hamlet production by far !!!!!!!!!!!!!

rut said...

i was amazed at how i understood. this perfomance will leave you wanting more.. its the best hamlet live production i've seen so far....