

Has anyone seen the La Boite Theatre production of "STATESPEARE"?

Writer Nelle Lee (& William Shakespeare)
Directors Ross Balbuziente, Nelle Lee, Nick Skubij
Designer Carolyn Taylor-Smith
Lighting Designer Ben Hughes
Composer / Sound Designer Guy Webster
Featuring Ross Balbuziente, Nelle Lee, Francesca Savige & Nick Skubij

Please add your review comments.

1 comment:

ashlei j said...

Statespeare is definitely not just one for the Shakespeare enthusiast among us! Shake and Stir Theatre company (http://www.shakeandstir.com.au/home.html) have devised an enthralling performance which drew everyone in the audience into the world of the four grade twelve students studying Shakespeare for their final performance assessment. Being there on opening night, I can assure you that there was not one negative comment said by anyone about La Boite’s latest piece of brilliance! For those who haven’t yet experienced the amazing intimacy of theatre on the round, this would also be the perfect performance to introduce you to it. For performance times, go to http://www.laboite.com.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=68. Get ready for an amazingly entertaining performance! Remember to mention any one of the La Boite Ambassador’s names (Ashlei Jensen) during a phone booking or on the night (not internet bookings) to receive $15 tickets!

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Ashlei J