

Mary MacKillop College Drama students in Year 11 were very fortunate in being given the opportunity to have Aboriginal playwright and black activist SAM WATSON as a guest in their classroom to talk to them during one of their scheduled Drama lessons. Sam, notably famous for his play "Oodgeroo"about famous Aboriginal poet, Oodgeroo, (Aunty Kath Walker) was able to assist students in their knowledge of Aboriginal history and also the importance of the Indigenous Arts and drama scenes for Aboriginal people.

Learn more:
From Aunty Kath to Oodgeroo

OODGEROO - Bloodline to Country by Sam Watson
Video, The Courier-Mail OODGEROO - Bloodline to Country
AUDIO Sam Watson's play 'Oodgeroo: Bloodline to Country'

1 comment:

P said...

There I was sitting in the exceptionally clean drama room listening to Sam Watson's wonderful story unfold. Suddenly, I felt so privileged to be in his presence and have the chance to hear a man tell a huge part of Australia's history straight from his heart. We all must take the time to listen sometime and quietly think about how and why. Let us all join together as one. Thanks for making that happen with Sam. He was just great. Enjoyed it!!