

Wikipedia Hamlet
Full summary of Hamlet
Entire script of the play
Olivier's Hamlet - photos

Hamlet - Laurence Olivier YouTube
Hamlet - Mel Gibson YouTube
Hamlet - Ian Holm YouTube
Kenneth Branagh Trailer Hamlet
Hamlet - an introduction by Kenneth Branagh

There are other versions of Hamlet via the links above.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to let you guys know theres
another version of Hamlet going around London at the moment staring David Tennant (Doctor Who).Iv read most of the reveiws and all of them say its extremly good, its a very mordern version of the play with Hamlet in one of the scenes wearing a jacket and a beanie!.
the shows have all sold out so it must be very good.
so hopefully it will come to Australia because I would be very interested to go see it.